How to Get Rid of Dog Gland Smell on Clothes

For many dog owners, the advantages of owning a pet occasionally include, let’s example, some smell-related problems. The infamous “dog gland” smell is a potent, persistent stink that adheres to garments. Even while our furry friends are wonderful, it may be really uncomfortable when their strong odour permeates our clothing. Their anal glands are the source of this. But fear not—this comprehensive post will provide you helpful advice on how to eliminate the stench and bring back the aroma of fresh clothes in your closet. Let’s read Below”How to Get Rid of Dog Gland Smell on Clothes”.

Understanding the Culprit: Dog Gland Smell

Prior to implementing any smell removal techniques, it is imperative to determine the root of the problem. The anal glands, also known as smell glands, are located on both sides of the rectum in dogs. Dogs use these glands’ unique, musky scent to identify and communicate with one another. Under certain circumstances, such as when a dog is frightened or agitated, these glands might burst, leaving behind an overpowering odour.

To control dog gland odour on clothing, a two-pronged approach is required: treating the current issue and implementing preventative steps to lessen recurrence.

How to Get Rid of Dog Gland Smell on Clothes?

Immediate Action: Tackling the Odor Head-On

  1. Act Quickly: Fighting the Odour Head-On and Moving Quickly: Time is crucial when it comes to treating dog gland scent. The sooner you address the issue, the greater your chances are of eliminating the odour. Don’t hang dirty clothes outside for a long period of time.
  2. Pre-treat Stains:   Prior to washing, take care of any noticeable dog gland secretion stains on your clothing. Use a stain remover or combine baking soda and water to produce a paste. Apply the paste to the stain gently and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes before cleaning.
  3. Isolate Contaminated Items:  To prevent the stink from spreading, keep the soiled items aside from the remaining washing. This is especially important if you’re using a communal laundry facility.
  4. Choose the Right Detergent:  Choose a high-quality laundry detergent that has an enzyme basis. Enzymes may efficiently break down organic compounds, including secretions from dog glands. Look for detergents designed specifically to eliminate strong odours.
  5. Hot Water Wash:  Hot Water Wash: Hot water has a greater ability to dissolve and eliminate odours from clothing than cold water does. Check the care directions to make sure hot water won’t damage the fabric in your clothes.
  6. Vinegar Soak:  Consider soaking the affected items in a solution of white vinegar and water prior to cleaning. The acidic qualities of vinegar can help to neutralise odours. Soak the clothes for at least thirty minutes in a vinegar-to-water solution before washing.
  7. Baking Soda Boost:  Use baking soda in addition to your normal laundry detergent for an extra boost. Odours can be absorbed by baking soda, which can help eliminate lingering scents.

Preventive Measures: Minimizing Future Incidents

  • Regular Grooming: One of the greatest ways to prevent dog gland scent on clothing is to make sure your pet’s anal glands are expressed regularly. One way to avoid this issue is to arrange regular grooming appointments with a veterinarian or professional groomer.
  • Healthy Diet:  A healthy, well-balanced diet can help promote appropriate gland function. Consult your veterinarian to ensure that the diet your dog is fed promotes overall health, which includes the health of the anal glands.
  • Frequent Outdoor Breaks:   Give your dog lots of opportunities to go outside, especially before and after tense or energetic times. Allowing your dog to express their anal glands while doing natural exercises might help prevent unplanned leaks inside.
  • Invest in Washable Covers:  If your dog has a favourite spot on the couch or bed, washable coverings are an excellent choice. This is easy to clean and adds an extra layer of protection for your furniture in case of an accident.
  • Regular Washing of Pet Bedding:   Wash your dog’s bedding frequently because it can be the source of lingering odours. To maintain their belongings smelling good and looking clean, use a detergent that is safe for pets and follows the instructions for maintenance.
  • Air Purifiers:  Think about adding air filters to areas your dog frequents. These devices can help improve the scent of a space by removing smells from the air.


It takes both quick fixes and preventative measures to remove dog gland scent from garments. By acting quickly and using effective cleaning methods, you may effectively eliminate the odour and restore the freshness of your clothing. Furthermore, you may significantly reduce the likelihood of recurring accidents by adopting preventive measures like routine grooming and feeding your pet a healthy diet. You may enjoy your dog’s companionship without worrying about stains on your clothes if you put some thought into your strategy and put in some work. I hope you like reading”How to Get Rid of Dog Gland Smell on Clothes”.


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